Don not go for looks, they can deceive. Don not go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile b'coz only a smile makes a dark day seem bright. Kismat(Basiah)
Don’t Define Ur Failure By Looking At Some Body’s Success & Don’t Define Ur Success By Looking At Some Body’s Failure, Set Ur Own Targets Every Day to Break..
There r few things That must be done, Before one says Goodbye, One’s Eyes must forget another face, One’s Ears must forget another voice, One’s Mind must forget another name. One’s Heart must forget that he/she had loved that person more than his/her own life ***** Goodnight friend have a nice night Take care
Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May Allah succeed u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & all the best ***** Goodnight friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Life has no rewinds n forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss a chance to live today to make a beautiful story for tomorrow. ****** Have a Nice week friend. Take care . Allah bless you Kismat(Basiah)
Take time to look- it is price of success Take time to think- it is a source of power Take time to read- it is a source of wisdom Take time to be friendly- it is a way of happiness **** Have a Happy day friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)
'One simple advice to stay happy' Never think about the third person and never thinks what the third person thinks about you. ***** Goodnight friend Have a Happy night Take care Kismat(Basiah)
When floods come, the fish eat ants, when water dries, the ants eat fish. Nature gives chance to everyone. Just the strong and wait for our turn, Wait for the time when you got success. ******* Have a success time friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Never blame a day in ur life. Good Days Give u happiness. Bad days give u Experience. Both are essential in life. All are Allah's blessings. ******* Have a nice week friend. Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank Allah, for every moment He cares for you all the way. ***** Good Night friend Take care. Kismat(Basiah)
Don’t let little things get you down. You’ve got many big reasons to look up to Allah and say thanks. It’s going to be a great day. ***** Have a lovely Sunday friend Allah bless you Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Very little is needed To have a happy Life. it is all within yourself. in your ways of thinking. No matter what u do, do it with L0VE in your HEART. ***** Good morning friend Have a happy Friday Jummah mubarak Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Life is so confusing, What we want we don't get, What we get we r not satisfied, What we expect never happens and What we hate generally repeats. That's life. ***** Have a happy weekend friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)